Posted by Aimee | Posted in Supplies | Posted on 19-04-2009
Tags: galleria area, nurseries, organic fertilizer
I had my first real foray into Houston proper this Friday. It was pretty fun and a whole lot bigger than I had imagined. I still want to go and see the Galleria area instead of just looking as we go past. The reason for this trip was to go to Condon Gardens and get some MicroLife fertilizer. It is a fertilizer I have read about from several sources as a good slow release organic fertilizer. I am going to try my very best to keep all of my gardening completely organic. I just know my plants are going to appreciate having some fertilizer finally! So we found the place no problem using directions from Google maps and after being there for about 2 minutes it started sprinkling lightly but still I wanted to look and see what all there was. They had a very nice selection of landscaping plants and flowers but I was more specifically after vegetables and he did have a couple varieties. I was extremely surprised to see transplants of, such as bright lights swiss chard. I behaved myself fairly well, but just could not help getting an absolutely gorgeous basil, mustard greens, 8 ball squash, thyme, and tri-color sage. As soon as it is dry enough out I will plant them. It started absolutely pouring so we loaded up the plants and fertilizer and ran inside. They have a beautiful kitty named Juliette there that was pure white, a nice contrast to my solid black one. There were pots there that were as big as my breakfast table and statues all around. None of the nurseries in Missouri I went to were anywhere near that fancy! It was sort of like wandering into a secret garden. I cannot wait to go back! They also had some books just for Texas on gardening so I had to snag one of those too.
I don’t know if any of you were out but we had to dash through torrential rain to get back to the truck and a few minutes later the hail started. We pulled into a parking lot to avoid the worst of it and hoped the hail would not dent the truck. We were fortunate that the truck did not get dented that we know of and that I got to go to Ikea. That place is not as cool as the nursery was but it was pretty friggin’ awesome! I think I could spend an entire day there just looking at stuff and on the bottom floor before the big boxed furniture they have real plants! Definitely a lot of cool stuff I do not have the money for. I can look and write down the names of cool things and dream though.
Oh, it seems I have gone off on a bit of a tangent there. Back to Condon Gardens, they do have a website: I definitely recommend giving them a visit if you get the chance, they are not that far from Ikea. I loved all the statues, I cannot wait to see the place when it is not raining like mad.