After a very long break I am very glad to be back. I will try to start posting more consistently and especially as has been requested, to start giving recommendations for some of the products I use myself to garden in Texas. I now get the unique chance to garden in both South Houston, Texas and in the Middle of Missouri. Each location has its own unique challenges and I will try to address both here.
One of my parents was not doing well at all and I was doing my very best to help out. On the plus side, they are doing better and I have gotten to do a lot more gardening. I have transplants waiting to go out and I just cannot wait to get my hands into the dirt. I hope to soon do a step by step on how to build an amazing wicking bed. I was unsure of my design at first but a full year of testing has yielded very impressive results. Only time will tell how the design wears though. The wicking beds have made a gorgeous addition to our garden and I very much hope to add two or maybe even three more this year.
They are a little on the expensive side but in 9 months of vegetable producing, I only watered the beds 4 times and I think it could have been skipped one of those times but someone watered the bed for me while I was out of town for a few days and I am counting that too, just in case. There was of course rain in-between waterings but much of this design is made with water collection/efficiency in mind.
That is all for now, I just wanted to say hello to everyone. I am so sorry for the almost two year break and I cannot emphasize how amazing you guys are who have been checking on me and still checking the site for updates. Wow! You guys are so awesome and so patient. Thank you and I am sorry for not updating more. I will try really hard to not let you down again but as you all know, life happens.